Anton Bogushevsky
Kaspersky Security for Microsoft Office 365
We had a solution for the on-premise version of Microsoft Exchange Server at the time I was hired by Kaspersky Lab and our task was to create a new project for the cloud-based exchange server (a part of Office 365). My first task was to analyse the API provided by Microsoft and create a prototype that can subscribe to mail events and apply different actions on new items (like scan attachments for viruses and check messages for spam). After it was done we started developing the full version with the whole team and it was great experience of a team work. We developed a cloud-based solution (MS Azure) with autoscaling in different availability zones. Also high demands were placed on the user interface.
Reporting Application
One of VIP customers of Credit Suisse has requested to generate a report on a weekly basis containing information about Exchange orders across all the markets this client has been trading in. Given that this client has been trading across all Asia, Europe and USA and there were hundreds of thousands orders per day in each region, that was a quite challenging task. I was working on Asia part and coordinated my work with my colleagues in Europe and USA. The idea was to collect orders from all markets (there are several markets in Asia), perform some analysis, set up the connections and generate report files following the client's guidelines.
Monitoring and User Experience Improvement Project
I was hired by Grab (South Asia taxi & food delivery operator) exactly for this project and I supposed to start it from scratch. The team I'm working in is developing a Gateway which is used by all Grab backend services so our customers are other teams developing product-related services inside Grab. The purpose of my project is to provide a set of tools (including convenient Web UI) which will make onboarding a new service and support the existing easy and straightforward. A couple of important features are implemented so far: a simulation tool and cluster configuration analyser tool. Example: Gateway provides a feature to configure Rate Limit Rules in order to control the traffic from the downstream services but due to several reasons the implementation might produce false positives and false negatives so my task was to provide a simulation tool which will allow user to configure RL Rules via Web UI and see how this configuration might behave in real world. Project is in active development now and we just hired two Fullstack Developers to help me push it forward.