Sergey Devyatov
Profi Inc.
- Redesigned and implemented changes on payments integration. - Built a CRM module for the platform. - Redesigned notification's system along with adding new functionality. - Refactored a lot of legacy codebase (fixing bugs and missing functionality). - Implemented integration tests for payment service and CRM. - Solved significant performance issues which were annoying clients and keeping them at high churn risk.
Adtube Solutions
Refactored Facebook Ad Platform integration. Designed and implemented from scratch LinkedIn integration with AdTube solution (including authorizations, setting up a bunch of ads with previewing on our platform, running and monitoring campaigns). In parallel solved numerous performance and scalability issues which were blockers for onboarding new clients.
EPAM Systems
Participating in a project for PMI: created a page displaying a map with a lot of POIs, regions and groups with dynamic filtering components (used Leaflet mapping library). Solved performance issues which were significant bottlenecks. Refactored outdated legacy.