Artem Zhirkov
Fortune Brands Home & Security
After successful aquision of Flo Technologies by Fortune Brands, I continue to work on IoT related infrastructure of former Flo Technologies, integrating it with Fortune Brands AWS cloud, further reducing operational costs and improving stability and observability of the backend. I also participate in several projects under Fortune Brands umbrella, implementing and improving IoT deivces firmware build pipelines. I work on integrating multiple projects running in different AWS account under single AWS Control Tower and enrolling AWS infrastructure for new projects. Responsibilities: • Transition to Kubernetes based infrastructure. • Supporting multiple AWS accounts, infrastructure unification between multiple projects with AWS Control Tower and AWS Organizations. • Defining, implementing and support CI/CD pipelines. • Determining comprehensive list of requirement specifications for new applications. Achievements: • Played key role in expansion of company’s infrastrure to Chinese region. • Upgraded and unified multiple cloud and on-premise projects under core AWS Control Tower management unit. • Participated in several IoT devices firmware development projects. • Accelerated transition to cloud of multiple affiliated companies.
Flo Technologies
An IoT startup where I was implementing CI/CD, infrastructure and monitoring from scratch. Carried out multiple multiple infrastructure upgrades including transition from AWS ElasticBeanstalk to Kubernetes. Responsibilities: • Transition to Kubernetes based infrastructure. • Implementation of monitoring (Grafana), log shipping (ELK) and automated Vault based secrets management solutions. • Working with development and QA teams to design and develop robust Gitlab based deployment solutions. • Determining comprehensive list of requirement specifications for new applications. Achievements: • Completed migration AWS-based infrastructure from deprecated ElasticBeanstalk platform to self managed Kubernetes cluster (and, later, to EKS), which reduced infrastructure costs by 40% while improving overall scalability, delivery and availability of service. • Upgraded secrets management workflow, replaced plaintext secrets storage with Hashicorp Vault. • Implemented automated Disaster Recovery solution for complete infrastructure recovery in DR event.
Upgrading existing infrastructure deployment and configuration management tools in order to speed up application delivery, improve overall delivery automation and efficiency. Participating in development of infrastructure components of Google Cloud Platform as a member of Deployment core team. Responsibilities: • Migrating existing deployment workflow from outdated to the most recent deployment solutions. • Suggest and implement software delivery best practices. • Support migration to Google Cloud Platform, improve integration with GCP. • Design and develop deployment kits for e-commerce platforms. • Support and continuous enhancement of software development infrastructure: continuous integration and delivery, databases, cloud services, systems monitoring, etc. Achievements: • Developed a dashboard for collecting and representing statistics of Google Cloud Kubernetes resources utilization by Jenkins jobs.