Created the architecture of a distributed information system for providing information on
spectral analysis of the state of the land for effective management of the agrarian company, this project with a lot of Python, Go, Php, Node.js applications with PostgreSQL databases, NoSQL databases like Mongo, ElasticSearch and Prometheus, Nginx and OpenResty web servers, bash scripts, and a tons of different configuration files for different environments and deployment scenarious. Project stability based on Docker containerization and gitlab, management of builds of new app versions and subsequent deployment on the company's servers.
Integration of a private cloud data storage miniIO with internal services/applications of the project, the load on network traffic is reduced when cache used for static content. Static content is cloned into Amazon C3 and 1Cloud data storages for maximum data loss protection and 24/7 availability with minimum amount in bills for storing all project static data, photos from satellites is really huge in Mbites, it can be more than Gigabite of disk space.
All services are divided into separate independent applications running in Docker containers with the possibility of horizontal and vertical scaling. All services are ready to work both locally on the developer's laptop and in Kubernates