Abtin Rohami
Resana ‑ Rutilea
Used Moveit1 to control Xarm robotic arm and created a ROS1‑based MVP for automating warehouse operations at Komatsu factory. • Boosted planning time by 30% by enabling concurrent planning, planner switching andadapt python code to C++. • Enabled changing of end effector at runtime to use all types of end eef and update collision avoidance. • Integrate detection module to planning module and object avoidance. lowered manipulation failure by 10%. • Reduced field testing time by about 50% by using simulation world for testing with Gazebo. • Enabled the robot to pick up 20% more objects by adding magnet gripper controller node.
Enhance and validate the 3rd version of the MVP of the autonomous facility robot. • Port 35% of the Ros1 solution to Ros2 on Autoware.auto docker. • Simulated approximately 40% of code logic and Navigation module in the simulated world, reducing field testing by 35%.
Software Motion (Suzhou) Engineering Services Co., Ltd
Setup SIL, Test decision and planning algorithms and engineer software solutions. • Setup SIL by integrating Matlab Simulink and TSMaster CAN simulaiton for algorithms validataion with real data. • Engineered pyqt‑based software mvp for xcp log player to plot data and visualize BEV (bird eye view) of the environment. • Researched and reviews planning and optimization algorithms to increase path and trajectory planning speed.