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Registration: 20.10.2022

Alexey Subote


Linux administration
Log analysis
Network administration
Network monitoring
Process modeling (EEPC, RACI)
Traffic analysis

Work experience

Head of Information Technology & Information Security department
since 01.2017 - Till the present day |POI FEB RAS
department, management, regulations, PC, linux, windows, LAN, WAN, IT security
IT head closer to CIO/CTO
Network administrator
05.2004 - 06.2008 |PortTelecom LLC
Administration of internet provider access node and network, introduction of BGP and new telecom equipment, VOIP service support, billing system support and maintenance.
06.2000 - 06.2003 |Sytel CJSC
Development and state certification of internet provider billing system, administration of access node and network. Billing system developed and put into service and certified by Telecom Ministry (Minkomsvyaz).
08.1999 - 12.2016 |POI FEB RAS (V.I. Il'ichev Pacific Oceanological Institute) www.poi.dvo.ru
Duties: - scientific research; - computer networks operations and development; - information security. Functions: - publication and introductions of research results in articles, reports and conferences; - administration and developments of local computer network of the main building, remote scientific marine stations and research surveillance for the Peter the Great bay (sea of Japan); - design, implementation, development and deployment of underwater video monitoring systems; - information security regular tasks, audits, vulnerability mitigation. Achievements 1. Introduced the local computer network, applied servers, basic internet-services. 2. Introduced two remote marine station’s computer networks. 3. Developed, implemented and run coastal underwater video monitoring systems (some results are introduced in https://www.mdpi.com/2077-1312/9/10/1073).

Educational background

Computer science, system programming (Masters Degree)
1994 - 1999
Far Eastern State University, Vladivostok (2000),


EnglishUpper IntermediateRussianNative