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Registration: 08.07.2023

Pavel Gosteev



Android Developer

Innotech/VTB mobile banking

Android Developer


Android Developer


Android Jetpack
Dagger 2
Kotlin coroutines
RxJava 2

Work experience

Android Developer
07.2022 - 07.2023 |Cryptopay
Kotlin, Coroutines, Compose, Dagger2, arch components (ViewModel, ViewBinding, LiveData, Lifecycles), Retrofit
Participated in maintaining and refactoring Cryptopay application from legacy technology stack like RxJava, MVP, Single-module to Coroutines+Flow, MVVM, Multi-module. Integrated feature-toggles approach of feature implementing. Collaborated with vendors to integrate and/or update 3d-party sdk's. - Implemented new modules with payment integration and other features - Used MVVM pattern for the presentation layer.
Android Developer
09.2021 - 07.2022 |Innotech
Kotlin, RxJava2, Dagger2, arch components (Databinding, LiveData, Lifecycles), OkHttp
Collaborated with cross-functional teams (my own and others) to develop new functionality for premium and VIP clients of main app of Top 3 bank of Russia, assisted other teams in my department with their functionality and assisted core team with core functionality of app such as tuning of proguard configuration and others. - Implemented new functionality for premium products in separated modules - Worked with analytics, inclusivity, multi-module project - Used MVVM pattern for the presentation layer.
Android Developer
05.2019 - 09.2021 |Sber
Kotlin, Koin, coroutines, arch components (Navigation, Lifecycles), Retrofit
Participated in development of an application for investing to ensure the successful launch of the app within a team of 6 android developers, had responsibility for the main part of this app with complex UI and complex real-time data sources. - Worked on the profile area in the Investment App of Sberbank. - Implemented portfolio functionality. - Used MVVM pattern for the presentation layer.
Android Developer
09.2018 - 05.2019 |Intelligence Retail / Ailet
C++, Java
Refactored a few parts of the app to ensure high scalability and maintainability of the app. Because of this app stability increased by 15-20%. Later I designed and developed a brand-new version of this app/sdk. I was fully responsible for this project, including approval of design of UI, implementation of features, architecture of project and more. - Worked with OpenCV, C++ code by JNI. - Worked with legacy code (Java, Handlers for concurrency, HttpUrlConnection and OkHttp for API requests). - Developed a custom camera module that allowed users to capture high-quality images and recognise grocery products to get reports about it.
Android Developer
03.2016 - 09.2018 |CodePhobos
Kotlin, Java
Parla. Our team ranged from 2 to 5 teammates (in-house and freelance). I managed our android team because I was the most experienced engineer. It included planning, distribution of tasks and code review, but I wrote most of the code for this project as well. In the new version of this app I implemented communication between the native part of the application and the React Native module. - Implemented the MVP (minimum viable product) version without 3D-party frameworks. - Drafted a few versions of the product. - Converted from Java to Kotlin a major part of the app. - Used RxJava2, built a complicated UI and customized elements of the UI. - Worked with Google Play Billing to set up a mode of payment and implemented synchronization between our. own backend and Google Play. - Used Realm as a DB and Retrofit as a network client. - Used MVP pattern for the presentation layer. Flagman. Application for control (monitoring/tracking) of transport, it was an outsourced project. - Worked with Mapbox SDK. - Built a complicated UI.

Educational background

Informatics (Bachelor’s Degree)
2008 - 2013
MUFI "Synergy"


EnglishUpper IntermediateRussianNative