Abraham Elijah
Access Bank Nigeria Call center representative
• Address customer service enquiry in a timely and accurate fashion • Delivery of high level of customer service (Quality) over the phone • Escalation of complaints to the appropriate team/unit for complete resolution • Give accurate and appropriate information to answer questions, troubleshoot issues and resolve complaints. • Achieved customer satisfaction rating of 90% within six months • Exceeding corporate target.
Microsoft office 365
Delivering advanced technical troubleshooting and problem-solving solutions for corporate customers using Microsoft products like SharePoint, OneDrive, Exchange, Office, including issues escalated to the highest level of management. • Collaborate on cross-team and cross-product technical issues by working with colleagues from other teams as needed to resolve customer problems. • Collaborate with subject matter experts and escalation managers when additional support is needed. • Manage critical issues by setting customer expectations, devise and implement action plans and professionally communicate to all parties involved.
Microsoft Office 365
Delivering advanced technical troubleshooting and problem-solving solutions for corporate customers including issues escalated to the highest level of management. • Collaborate on cross-team and cross-product technical issues by working with colleagues from other teams as needed to resolve customer problems. • Collaborate with subject matter experts and escalation managers when additional support is needed. • Manage critical issues by setting customer expectations, devise and implement action plans and professionally communicate to all parties involved.