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Registration: 09.06.2023

Emina Muratovic


Ankora INC.

▪ Worked on leading consumer health enterprise primarily on a frontend part. Made modals, forms, refactored some legacy code, made APIs when needed, worked with GraphQL, made new schemas, refactored graphql logic. Also I have worked on multiple websites where I had to multitask on both backend and frontend logic, created d3 graphs, refactored old code, optimized it, switched from vanilla javascript and jQuery to ReactJS. ▪ Worked under extremely high pressure where deadlines were very short, refactored old code, worked with styled components, created new functionalities. Made estimations for tasks, architecture of the projects. ▪ Worked in the management of the company, organized team buildings, knowledge transfer presentations, worked on social media for the company, organized company anniversary. ▪ Was a mentor for 5-10 juniors, Team lead on four projects and Product Owner for in-house software.


Projects: Cisco, Adobe, HMH ▪ Worked on Cisco platform with my team where we were assigned new features to implement inside of the project where there is already some legacy code. ▪ Worked on multiple platforms at the same time. ▪ Wrote unit and e2e tests for different functionalities. ▪ Bug fixes on every platform I worked. ▪ Everyday discussion with clients and calls with teammates and other teams. ▪ Mentor to junior programmers.

Webuild Group

▪ Analyzed legacy code, worked on creating blade organized system, added new functionalities as real time measurement with blood pressure and other measurement equipment that were used in medicine(using high-charts), created custom made event calendar, refactored frontend code throughout application, connecting frontend with APIs on backend, created theme oriented app, fixed several bugs on backend and services that were used, published and released application on develop and production, added collapsing blades, created responsive frontend, validation on inputs, created breadcrumbs on opening blades, created graphs using react highcharts, created timer and stopwatch when one is on video call, worked on video call using opentok, designed datepicker, dropdowns, buttons, search inputs.


Agile Methodologies
Front-end Development
People Management
Project Managment
Software Development
Unit Testing
Visual Studio
Web Development
Web Services

Work experience

Software Engineer
03.2021 - 05.2023 |Endava
ReactJS, HTML, CSS, Javascript, jQuery, Sass, Less, JSX, Angular, Styled components, Git, Agile/Scrum, different design toolkits
Projects: Cisco, Adobe, HMH ▪ Worked on Cisco platform with my team where we were assigned new features to implement inside of the project where there is already some legacy code. ▪ Worked on multiple platforms at the same time ▪ Wrote unit and e2e tests for different functionalities ▪ Bug fixes on every platform I worked ▪ Everyday discussion with clients and calls with teammates and other teams ▪ Mentor to junior programmers
Programming teacher
05.2019 - 11.2019 |Emanet, IT Company
HTML, CSS, Javascript, ReactJS
▪ Worked as a programing teacher in an IT Academy that lasted 6 months where I made plan and program for the ongoing classes
Software Developer, Product Owner, Team Lead
05.2019 - 02.2021 |Ankora INC, Sarajevo
ReactJS, Redux, NodeJS, Mobx, MySql, HTML, CSS, Javascript, jQuery, Sass, Less, JSX, Styled components, AWS, GraphQL, Agile/Scrum
▪ Worked on leading consumer health enterprise primarily on a frontend part. Made modals, forms, refactored some legacy code, made APIs when needed, worked with GraphQL, made new schemas, refactored graphql logic. Also I have worked on multiple websites where I had to multitask on both backend and frontend logic, created d3 graphs, refactored old code, optimized it, switched from vanilla javascript and jQuery to ReactJS. ▪ Worked under extremely high pressure where deadlines were very short, refactored old code, worked with styled components, created new functionalities. Made estimations for tasks, architecture of the projects,.. ▪ Worked in the management of the company, organized team buildings, knowledge transfer presentations, worked on social media for the company, organized company anniversary,.. ▪ Was a mentor for 5-10 juniors, Team lead on four projects and Product Owner for in-house software.
Software Developer
01.2018 - 12.2019 |The Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP)
ReactJS, Redux, HTML, CSS, Javascript, jQuery, Sass, Less, JSX, Jekyll, Ruby (interactive maps), Bootstrap, Blueprint.js, Agile/Scrum
▪ Projects: https://data.occrp.org/, https://github.com/alephdata/aleph, https://cdn.occrp.org ▪ I have analyzed code that has been there for a few years, made UI decisions what needs to be changed, made dialogs, tables, various document viewers, upload and deleting files, fixed bugs that were already there and bugs that were made in a process, talked to users to find out what is the user experience with the software, what needs to be added or changed, made optimisation on the frontend side, made decisions for changing the project structure, had presentations regarding this project, ...
Software Developer
01.2017 - 11.2017 |Webuild Group – WeBH d.o.o, Sarajevo
ReactJS, Alt.js, C#, HTML, CSS, Javascript, jQuery, Sass, Less, Bootstrap, Agile/Scrum
▪ Analyzed legacy code, worked on creating blade organized system, added new functionalities as real time measurement with blood pressure and other measurement equipment that were used in medicine(using high-charts), created custom made event calendar, refactored frontend code throughout application, connecting frontend with APIs on backend, created theme oriented app, fixed several bugs on backend and services that were used, published and released application on develop and production, added collapsing blades, created responsive frontend, validation on inputs, created breadcrumbs on opening blades, created graphs using react highcharts, created timer and stopwatch when one is on video call, worked on video call using opentok, designed datepicker, dropdowns, buttons, search inputs,...
Software developer
10.2016 - 12.2016 |Ekapija d.o.o - akta.ba, Sarajevo
C#, Visual Studio, MS SQL Server, ASP .NET MVC 5, Entity framework, Knockout, HTML, CSS, Javascript, jQuery, Attlasian( Bitbucket), TortoiseGit, Bootstrap, Agile/Scrum, Google ads
▪ Project: akta.ba ▪ Full-stack developer ▪ In 7 days I had to get into a project that was in business for 4 years. After that, I analyzed the code, made optimisation changes for faster loading of the page, did some CRUDs, did upload of the pictures and documents with all restrictions, fixed some views, made it scalable and user friendly, wrote stored procedures, added google adds on the site, wrote tasks for team...
Software Developer
06.2015 - 09.2016 |Symphony d.o.o. Sarajevo
C#, Visual Studio, MS SQL Server, ASP .NET MVC 5, Entity framework, Knockout, HTML, CSS, Javascript, jQuery, Attlasian( Jira, Confluence, Bitbucket), Bootstrap, Agile/Scrum
▪ Project: web application for Netherlands health care Analyzed, designed and tuned database, did architecture for parts of the project, made relations between tables, made estimates for tasks on sprint planning, worked on complicated backend logic, did CRUDs for any given feature, worked on API side, wrote methods that were needed on android app, fixed bugs on backend, frontend and API, made UI improvements, wrote unit tests, conducted solution deployments to production (and other) environments, optimized and refactored code,...

Educational background

Information technologies
2015 - 2019
FIT, Mostar

