Kseniia Safronova
At first I was a member of development team Media-sets (new service for images), then I went to team for develop internal digital analytics solution like "Amplitude". Now I'm the member of development team CRM (user information service for support team) My duties: - Manual functional testing new web service for customer's support team (front, back) - Manual functional testing mobile app (iOS, Android) (Stories, product and brand images) - Manual functional testing internal digital analytics software (like "Amplitude") - Testing requirements and SA documents (API contracts and sequence diagram); - Creating and supporting test documentation (test cases, checklists)
I was a member of two teams: CLAP (client app) and CSC (Customer Service Center) My duties: - Test requirements; - Manual functional testing web Customer Service Center (front, back); - Manual functional testing mobile app (iOS, Android); - Test event analytics; - Create and support test documentation (test cases, checklists).
Our team develop mobile app "FBS Trader - Trading platform" for iOS and Android, web sites fbs.eu and fbsaustralia.com. My duties: - Manual functional testing web (front, back) and mobile app (iOS, Android); - Test requirements; - Test event analytics; - Create and support test documentation (test cases, checklists); - Organization of the mobile testing process for product team; - Create documentation for internal QA community