Eugene Trofimov
- Transferred code base from Java 6 and 7 to Java 11 and increased the speed of system response. - Optimized the building and processing segments, statistics services, and DB. - Mentored junior and middle developers. Set the KPI and looked to task achievement.
- Worked on the project, maintained, and developed the whole system alone. Reduced the number of errors to 0,002%. - Worked on product usability and architecture. Improved accuracy of email marketing to 5000%. - Implemented Kotlin and rewrought the system from Java 11 to Kotlin. - Collected users' feedback. Designed and built a system interface with Angular. - Prioritised product roadmap, advocating product vision with the user needs and business strategy. Fulfilled the department's goals before the new quarter.
Sportmaster Lab
- Led product development, maintained and tracked system architecture and indicators. Closely cooperated with users' feedback. - Divided monolith application into microservices and increased the scalability of modules by 40%. - Optimized the system load (event handling, interaction with the database, etc.), increasing performance by 120% (optimized database structure, accelerated the processing of incoming events).