Our top IT specialists
All specialists underwent a thorough scoring and evaluation
Our talent pool includes over 10,000 professionals.
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Our top designers
All specialists underwent a thorough scoring and evaluation
Agile, Android, API, ASP.NET, AWS, CSS, Docker, Figma, Git, GitHub, HTML, iOS, Jira, Kotlin, logo design, marketing, MongoDB, MySQL, .NET, Node.js, PHP, PostgreSQL, Project Management, QA, React, Redis, Redux, REST, Scrum, SQL, Swift, TypeScript, UI Design, UX Design, Web Design, Web Development, webpack, Android Architecture Components, Azure, GitLab, GraphQL, JUnit, Kubernetes, Laravel, Next.js, Web Services Development, WebAPI, Webflow, WebSockets, Design, CI/CD methodologies, Kafka, Landing page design, OOP, Website testing
FuryLion LLC FZ
Adobe Photoshop, Agile, Android, AWS, C#, CSS, Docker, Figma, Git, go, Golang, HTML, HTML5, iOS, JavaScript, Jenkins, Jira, MongoDB, MySQL, .NET, PostgreSQL, Postman, Project Management, Python, QA, RabbitMQ, Redis, REST, Scrum, Software Development, SQL, TypeScript, UI Design, UX Design, Web Development, GitLab, IT Management, Kubernetes, Team Lead, Design, CI/CD methodologies, Graphic Design, OOP, Product Management
Timur Samatov
Product (UI/UX) Designer
Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Axure RP, Figma, Information architecture, logo design, print design, Scrum, UI Design, usability testing, UX Design, Web Design, Adobe Photoshop Lightroom, Rapid Prototyping, Scrum Master, Web Services, Business Analysis, Graphic Design, User research, Fintech