PHP Developer
Latvian company in the field of dairy processing, that develop local brands of ice cream, dairy, pastry, convenience and frozen foods in search of PHP developer.
Main task: to support and develop company's self-descriptive system.
(There isn't much documentation).
Technical Stack:
- Docker (K8S - can be plugged in for scaling).
- Ubuntu.
- PHP, Framework - Laravel 5.5 (updated to version 6.0 in the export version).
Standard Laravel user and registration/authorization component is used
- Database - MySQL (unique features of DBMS are almost not used, it is possible to switch to Postgres rather quickly).
Plugins used:
- Authorization - Zizaco/Entrust + Acoustep/EntrustGUI.
- Working with file attachments - bkwld/croppa, gargron/fileupload, jQuery File Upload.
- Work with excel-files - maatwebsite/excel, phpoffice/phpspspreadsheet.
- System event history - venturecraft/revisionable.
- Work with process stages - brexis/laravel-workflow.
- Build images of transitions between process steps - graphp/graphviz.
- Working with translations - barryvdh/laravel-translation-manager.
- Testing - phpunit/phpunit.