Our top IT specialists
All specialists underwent a thorough scoring and evaluation
Our talent pool includes over 10,000 professionals.
Looking for something more specific?
Our top IT specialists
All specialists underwent a thorough scoring and evaluation
Agile, Android, API, ASP.NET, AWS, CSS, Docker, Figma, Git, GitHub, HTML, iOS, Jira, Kotlin, logo design, marketing, MongoDB, MySQL, .NET, Node.js, PHP, PostgreSQL, Project Management, QA, React, Redis, Redux, REST, Scrum, SQL, Swift, TypeScript, UI Design, UX Design, Web Design, Web Development, webpack, Android Architecture Components, Azure, GitLab, GraphQL, JUnit, Kubernetes, Laravel, Next.js, Web Services Development, WebAPI, Webflow, WebSockets, Design, CI/CD methodologies, Kafka, Landing page design, OOP, Website testing